Welcome to East Pak Avocados
East Africa company proudly growing,
packing & exporting premium avocados.
For Import Inquiries, please contact us below
Hass & Fuerte Avocados
We offer a wide range of avocados to suit your needs.
We deal with all aspects of your Avocado requirements.

The East Pak Avocado Journey
East Pak avocado fruits are sourced from reputable growers across East Africa countries. Like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. We are currently exporting Avocados throughout The Netherlands, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Romania, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Honest Pricing
We will deliver the best possible fruits according to your requirements. Whether that’s CAT 2 Avocados in bulk or expensive specialty CAT 1 avocado: we have the whole range covered.
A choice that makes the difference.
Why choose us?
Because we’re the best.
Superior Quality
After careful selection, only the top quality avocados are shipped. Our QC team will do anything they can to assure our customers good shelf life of your fruits after arrival.
Direct from Grower
Our avocados are sourced directly from the growers, thus assuring the shortest possible timelines between harvest and packing.
Short Transit
Efficient logistics will ensure fresh arrival of the avocado fruits. Temperature controlled throughout transit, it will enable you to take maximum advantage of the shelf life of the fruits after arrival.